How Creative Testing Can Impact Your Campaign Performance and Cart Size

January 12, 2023

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…

What if your next marketing campaign could be more effective and deliver a higher return on investment simply by incorporating creative testing? It may sound too good to be true, but the fact is that different testing aspects of your campaign can have a significant impact on its overall performance.

And when it comes to online shopping carts, even a slight increase in conversion rates can make a big difference in cart size. So if you’re looking for ways to boost your campaign’s bottom line, read on to learn more about how creative testing can help.

What is creative testing?

Creative testing is marketing research that helps you test your creative ideas to see which elements resonate the most with your target audience. It is a form of split-testing where you can compare different versions of an ad, a website, or other forms of content and get feedback from potential customers to see what they find more appealing.

Who would benefit from creative testing?

Creative testing has the potential to benefit a variety of stakeholders, including software development teams, technology companies, and end-users. Software development teams can use creative testing techniques to find problems and solutions quickly, helping them develop better software faster.

Technology companies can benefit from creative testing by using it to identify areas to improve their products and services. And end-users can benefit from creative testing by using it to understand better how a product or service works and ensure that it meets their needs.

What are some data points behind creative testing in the eCommerce space?

The more data you have, the better your decisions will be. The eCommerce space is highly competitive, and creative testing can give businesses a competitive edge.

Data points that businesses should consider when testing their creative strategies in the eCommerce space include:

Customer feedback

What do customers think of your current strategies? Are they engaging and persuasive enough to encourage them to purchase? Collecting customer feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups is essential for understanding how people perceive a brand and its products or services.

Brand consistency

Does your marketing strategy stay consistent with brand values and mission? If not, it could be damaging to the overall customer experience. Maintaining a consistent message across all channels is key to preserving customer trust and loyalty.

Conversion rates

Are customers clicking through promotional emails, ads, or other content? Tracking conversion rates will help businesses determine which strategies work best and should be focused on moving forward.

Bounce rates

Are customers leaving the website quickly after arriving? If so, it could signify something isn’t quite right. High bounce rates indicate that the website could be more user-friendly or the content could be more exciting and engaging.

What does creative testing look like?

Creative testing is a great way to ensure your products and services are up to the mark. It involves coming up with innovative and original ideas to test the functionality and performance of a product or service.

For example, let’s say you are creating a new mobile application. Creative testing might involve asking users to perform activities outside the standard use cases, such as playing a game on the app or making a purchase through the app. This helps ensure that the app is responsive and intuitive enough for users to use in different scenarios.

Another creative testing example is analyzing how consumers interact with new product designs. This could include setting up a focus group and asking participants to provide feedback on the product’s look, feel, and overall usability. It assists in determining whether a product design is intuitive, effective, and appealing to consumers.

Stats show creative testing can increase consumer cart size when shopping your brand

Creativity significantly influences how much consumers add to their shopping carts when they shop with your brand. Studies have shown that creative campaigns can lead to an increase in cart size. For example, a survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review found that customers exposed to creative marketing campaigns had their cart size increase by 8%.

Plus, a survey by the American Marketing Association revealed that customers were more likely to purchase items in larger quantities when creative marketing campaigns enhanced their shopping experience.


Did you know that Techint Labs has an award-winning creative team to help you with creative testing? If you have a project you need support on – we’re here to help. Contact us to see how we can work together and take your brand to new heights.

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